Selective Memory — On July 5th — Zammorian Live @ Motiv
Selective Memory is a new Zammorian live set that will take place on July 5th 2018 in Motiv. This concert is a selection of pieces from The Theory of Absence (parts I & II) double album.
Zammorian is a post-psychedelic / post-rock project, both musically and visually and narratively, that was founded by a group of Romanian artists and designers in late 2014. The music is instrumental and has been cited as being cinematic with progressive and electroni influences. The shows are accompanied by a set of abstract live visuals, generated by Awkwarizmi, the VJ artist of the group, based on the story and music.
The first Zammorian album is The Theory of Absence, a double album with a runtime of 2 hours. This will be released in 2019. Behind the music and the artworks lays a narrative universe based on SF and esoteric motifs, which will also be the subject of a novel.
Ticket price: 15 lei at the venue entrance.